Dead Simple Way to Dual Boot Ubuntu and Windows

Wubi LogoWanted to try out Ubuntu on your Windows machine but decides that the hassle to partition manually, download and burn the Ubuntu CD, then reboot and configure everything else is no fun? What if you can dual boot Windows and Ubuntu within clicks, without needing to be tech savvy or worry of messing things up?

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Revo Uninstaller: Better than your average uninstaller

Revo uninstallerUsing “Windows Add or Remove Programs” might be sufficient if you hardly install any softwares on your computer. But if you are adventurous in testing new softwares on your computer every now and then, you will need a more complete uninstaller so that it wouldn’t be a pain to to dump unwanted softwares, and more importantly to make sure nothing is leftover after uninstalling.

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PhotoScape: Excellent Snagit Alternative

PhotoScape LogoLast year, I was given a free copy of Snagit and I got it installed on my desktop. Later that year, I got myself a laptop and turned it to my main working machine, so no more Snagit for me. Taking a screenshot itself is a no-brainer task, all I need is a “Prnt Scrn” button and MS Paint. The tricky part is to edit the screenshot to emphasize or explain on something.

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Convert Screencast (AVI) to Animated GIF Easily

ScreencastTo a software developer, tech blogger or a software reviewer, screencast can be very helpful in demonstrating a software feature or even a tutorial. No amount of words can give a better picture than an animated demonstration captured using a screencasting software.

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