Can Blogicon Replace Existing Blog Avatar?

Developed by Patrick of BlogStorm, Blogicon acts as an avatar system to be displayed in the comment section. Unlike MyBlogLog or Gravatar, the avatar will be self hosted by the comment author, and it will be displayed on all participating blogs.


The good of Blogicon is there is no need to register any accounts, just upload an image of 80×80 with the name blogicon.gif in your root directory ( and it will be displayed everytime you comment on participating blogs.

The bad is no one is managing the system. For MyBlogLog, there is a team behind it moderating. If someone uploads an adult image as his Blogicon and he comments on participating blogs, it will be displayed—and that will do nothing good to the blog. Since the format is in gif, it can even be a moving avatar.

As we are required to upload an image to our host first before we can have our avatar being displayed, it is quite unfair to bloggers who are using Blogger or As far as I know, it is not possible to upload an image to the root directory of a free hosted blogs.

Furthermore, MyBlogLog has had already a very large user base, resulting in less people wanting to install the Blogicon plugin on their blogs—but MyBlogLog’s plugin. MyBlogLog also make it 100% sure the author of the comment matches the avatar. Blogicon is retrieving avatars based on the URL the comment author enter. Meaning if I enter someone else’s blog URL while commenting, your avatar will be shown instead.

What do you think?



  1. cna certification - April 30, 2012 @ 7:25 pm

    The concept of avatar within Hinduism is most often associated with Vishnu, the preserver or sustainer aspect of God within the Hindu Trinity or Trimurti or the one and only supreme God for followers of Vaishnavism. Thanks.

  2. campaign signs cheap - August 9, 2012 @ 5:56 pm

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