Modify WordPress 2.5 Default Insert Image Settings

WordPress 2.5 have a very neat image uploader that will allow you to upload several images at one go. There are three options when you want to insert an image that you have uploaded into a post, namely Link URL, Alignment and Size.

The default settings for these options are as below:

WordPress 2.5 Insert Image into Post Default Settings

By default, the image will link to the original image that you have uploaded, with no alignment and medium sized. As far as I know, there is no way to change these default options and it is definitely annoying to have a few extra clicks every time an image is uploaded just to make your image to be displayed at your liking.

The only solution I have discovered for the time being is to modify the maximum width and height of the medium sized image. It can be done via Settings > Miscellaneous.

Modify maximum width and height of a medium sized image on WordPress

After changing the maximum width and height of a medium sized image, you can now skip the step to change the image size from medium to full size.

Please do kindly let me know if there is any better way for modifying the preset settings of the image uploader.

#insert image#WordPress


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