Is Social Media Introvert a Thing?

Introverts are generally seen as shy, anti-social, and awkward in their daily interactions with people around them. This perception is being challenged as people take a greater interest in understanding the underlying reasons why introverts act the way they do. In Sophia Dembling’s “The Introvert’s Way,” she put introverts in a different light.

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How To Find Facebook Pages You’ve Liked

Pages on FacebookHow many Facebook Pages have you liked thus far? A question so simple you’ll have hard time answering. At least to my knowledge, there isn’t any obvious way you can find all the pages you have liked on Facebook, which is frustrating to say at least.

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TweetDeck Now Supports Long Tweets Natively

The 140 characters limitation on Twitter is what made most tweets short and precise, without blabbering too much. At times however, 140 characters is simply just insufficient to convey a message effectively, and that is why there are services that allow you to tweet longer.

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