Who is looking at your Facebook profile?

If you landed on this article looking for a way to trace who had just view your Facebook profile or picture, you probably had already try some of the applications and groups on Facebook claiming that they are able to do just exactly so.

Some of them requires you to invite 10 friends or post about the app on your wall before the data will be revealed to you, something like those stupid chain e-mails.

Can I see who's viewed my profile? There's a group or application claiming I can find out who has been viewing my profile.

Chances are, none of them work. Some “apps” are even as silly as—requiring you to place a link on your profile, and all it tracks is the clicks on that particular link, which is meaningless. Guess how many out of all your friends that visit your profile will bother to click on that silly looking link?

Facebook does not allow the tracking of Facebook profile views data. Any applications built to provide such information will be taken care of, before it can ever track anything meaningful for your curious mind:

Can I see who’s viewed my profile? There’s a group or application claiming I can find out who has been viewing my profile.
Facebook does not allow users to track profile views or see statistics on how often a particular piece of content has been viewed and by whom without your consent.

If an Application claims to provide this functionality, you can report an application for abuse by going to the application’s About page and clicking “Report Application” at the bottom of the page, or by clicking “Report” at the bottom of any canvas page within the application.

There is only two ways out. Either the app will not work the way it should, or when it does, Facebook will take it down. Now stop sending inviting your friends to such applications and/or groups already, unless all you want to achieve is to let your friends know that your Facebook profile is dying for attention.

#Facebook#Facebook profile#Social Media

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